Saturday, January 9, 2016

211 Rice Crispy Treats

Serves : 5   
Prepare time : 15 min  
Cook time : 30 min

April  2015  
Tasteecook  recipes   
Rice Crispy Treats  

Ingredients :  

3 tbsp  butter 
6 cuts Rice Crispy Treats  
4 cut mini marshmallows      

Directions :  ☺   

1. On low heat, melt butter in a large pot. 

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2. Add the marshmallows into melted butter. Stir until marshmallow is melted. 

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4. Prepare a tray covered with wax paper, Or spray with cooking spray.

5. In a baking pan add wax paper and pour the rice crispy mixture in the pan. once cold begin to cut in squares.  

Feelings after eating  :

This dish is an easy dish to make and is sweet and crunchy. The family loves it and I hope you enjoy it  !                                                                                                


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