Monday, June 6, 2016

54 Sticky Rice Sausages

Serves : 5  
Prepare time : 25 min  
Cook time  :  1:20 hour 
January  2014  
Tasteecook recipes  
Sticky Rice Sausages  

Ingredients : 
1/4 onion tablets  
1/2 teaspoon sugar  
2 teaspoons chicken 
1 teaspoon sesame oil   
1/3 bowl dry shrimp 
2 tablespoons soy sauce 
1 tablespoon sesame oil  
2 stem spring onion diced  
1 tablespoon mind ginger  
2 teaspoons chicken favor  
5 finely chopped garlic 
2 teaspoons old soy sauce 
Salt and pepper to taste 
4 teaspoons fried red onion  
2 shallot finely chopped 
2 cloves garlic finely chopped 
4 Cantonese style sausage into thick slice 
1/2 Cantonese-style bacon peel of the skin  
4 cups glutinous rice 12 hours soaking  
8 mushrooms soaked soft cut into thick strips 

Directions :  
1. Clean the sticky rice and then soak it in water for 12 hours or overnight. Then remove the water from the rice. In a Chinese dumpling steamer, add in water and let it boil. Then for the top part of the steamer layer it with a damp cloth.


2.  Add in the drained rice and steam for 25 minute.  Then use a chopstick and puncture holes in the rice. Then steam for another 25 minutes and then mix the rice together. If the rice is still not cooked you can cook for another 15 minutes. The rice should be clear and soft. Then add in a little bit of oil and remove the rice and let it cool down.


3. In a bowl, add in two eggs, 2 teaspoon water and  a little bit of salt and mix well. In a pan, cook the eggs into a pancake shape. Remove from pan and cut into strips.


4. Clean the dried Chinese sausage, Chinese pork belly and cut into thin strips. Soak the dried mushroom and shrimp in water and cut into pieces.





6. Then add in dark soy sauce, sesame oil and soy sauce, chicken flavor, green onion and salt and pepper. Mix well and let it simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. In the end, add in red crispy onion on top of the rice.




Feelings after eating  :
This sticky rice dish is very popular with Asian countries. It has a mixture of Chinese sausage, pork belly, dried mushroom and shrimp. All these ingredients makes this dish delicious. There are many ways to cook this dish but steaming is the fastest way. Make sure the rice is soaked with water overnight. The dish is very comforting during winter time. The flavors and aromas fill you stomach.           



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