Wednesday, December 25, 2013

215 French Butter Beef Fried Rice

Serves : 6   
Prepare time : 30  minutes   
Cook time : 25 minutes
Tasteecook  recipes  
french butter beef fried rice  

Ingredients :  
1 onion  diced 
2 diced carrot                                             
3 eggs mixing
2 teaspoons soy sauce  


2 teaspoons olive oil  
4 finely chopped garlic 
2 pound of ground bee 
2 teaspoons chicken flavor 
2 shallot finely chopped  

2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger   
2 stem green onions chopped  
1 Jalapeno finely chopper  
Salt and black pepper to taste  
3 teaspoons France butte or salad oil 

1 pound of long green beans chopped into small pieces
5  bowls of white rice preferably refrigerator  overnight 
Shredded lettuce, kale, frozen peas, 

Directions :  
1. 2 stem green onions chopped, 1 pound of long green beans chopped into small pieces, 2 diced carrot,  1 onion  diced , 4 finely chopped garlic, 2 shallot finely chopped , 2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger, 2 stem green onions chopped , 1 Jalapeno finely chopper.  


2. Add 3 egg , add salt 1/4 teaspoon, add to the pan and stir fry dish standby. Prepare marinade: 2 pound of ground beef ,  1 teaspoons cornstarch, 2 teaspoons cooking wine, 2 teaspoons soy sauce, Salt and black pepper to taste.  Combine ground beef  and marinade. Then marinade for 15 to 20 minutes .


3. In a pan on medium heat add 2 tablespoons butter , and then add shallot, minced garlic,  ginger, ground beef to saute cook only until brown and remove from heat.  Then add chopped long green beans, diced carrot to saute, Remove and set aside.   


    4. White rice should be placed in the refrigerator over night, with chopsticks add 2 teaspoons olive oil,  evenly to cover rice.

    5. In a pan reheat 3 teaspoons of butter, add chopper jalapeno, onion  diced,

    add the cooked white rice stir fry, fried until golden brown. Then add soy sauce, and chicken flavor.

    6. Then add in all the other cooked ingredients: chopped long green beans, diced carrot, ground beef , the rice until soft capsules distinct non-stick, after sprinkle with chopped green onion, all complete. Enjoy !

    Feelings after eating  :
    French butter beef fried rice, Beef has a lot of nutritious, and  eggs also contain very rich in protein. Butter and beef fried rice is a very tasty fragrant and delicious dish . Enjoy !




    Directions :  做法 : 
    1. 2 stem green onions chopped, 1 pound of long green beans chopped into small pieces, 2 diced carrot,  1 onion  diced , 4 finely chopped garlic, 2 shallot finely chopped , 2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger, 2 stem green onions chopped , 1 Jalapeno finely chopper.  
    1.青葱2支切葱粒長豆角1鎊切粒 , 紅蘿蔔2支切粒洋蔥1顆切粒大蒜4瓣切碎 , 小紅蔥頭2粒切末姜末2茶匙青葱2支切葱粒墨西哥辣椒1粒切碎長豆角1鎊切粒.   


    2. Add 3 egg , add salt 1/4 teaspoon, add to the pan and stir fry dish standby. Prepare marinade: 2 pound of ground beef ,  1 teaspoons cornstarch, 2 teaspoons cooking wine, 2 teaspoons soy sauce, Salt and black pepper to taste.  Combine ground beef  and marinade. Then marinade for 15 to 20 minutes .
    2. 雞蛋3粒打散成蛋液加入鹽1/4茶匙放入油锅翻炒盛起備用牛绞肉英镑調入玉米淀粉1用料酒2茶匙醬油2茶匙盐和黑胡椒适量混合均勻醃製牛绞肉1520分钟


    3. In a pan on medium heat add 2 tablespoons butter , and then add shallot, minced garlic,  ginger, ground beef to saute cook only until brown and remove from heat.  Then add chopped long green beans, diced carrot to saute, Remove and set aside.   
    3. 熱鍋冷油放入2湯匙黄油爆香大蒜,小紅葱末,姜末加入腌渍后的牛绞肉快速炒散炒至8成熟變色後铲起同一鍋再加入長豆角粒和紅蘿蔔粒一起快炒之后撈起放进大碗里用.                                                     


      4. White rice should be placed in the refrigerator over night, with chopsticks add 2 teaspoons olive oil,  evenly to cover rice.
      4. 煮熟的白米飯加入2茶匙橄欖油并用筷子将米饭撥散搅拌混合使油均匀覆盖到米饭上然后再把白米飯放入冰箱過一夜  备用.   

      5. In a pan reheat 3 teaspoons of butter, add chopper jalapeno, onion  diced,
      add the cooked white rice stir fry, fried until golden brown. Then add soy sauce, and chicken flavor.
      5. 重新烧热炒镬放入3茶匙黃油墨西哥青椒碎洋葱粒煮熟的隔夜白米飯一起翻炒當米飯炒到鍋裡蹦起飯粒時再加入醬油雞粉.

      6. Then add in all the other cooked ingredients: chopped long green beans, diced carrot, ground beef , the rice until soft capsules distinct non-stick, after sprinkle with chopped green onion, all complete. Enjoy !
      6. 米粒炒到有香味溢出之后倒入長豆角紅蘿蔔 , 鸡蛋再倒入剛爆香好的牛肉碎再次繼翻炒片刻直到飯炒到粒粒分明鬆軟不粘鍋,  最后灑上少許蔥花翻炒幾下盛上盤即可.  享受 !

      Feelings after eating  :
      French butter beef fried rice, Beef has a lot of nutritious, and  eggs also contain very rich in protein. Butter and beef fried rice is a very tasty fragrant and delicious dish . Enjoy !



      Serves   :    2   
      Prepare time  :  15 minutes   
      Cook time :  10 minutes
      October    2013
      Tasteecook  recipes 
      french butter beef fried rice

      Ingredients  :
      • 2 bowls of rice
      • 1 bowl Long beans                              
      • 3 eggs 
      • 1/2 onion  diced     
      • 3 garlic chopper
      • 1 diced shallot 
      • 1/2 diced carrot
      • 2 teaspoons France butter
      • pinch of salt
      • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
      • 1 pound of beef
      • 1 tablespoon oil
      • 2 red green onion diced
      • 1 Jalapeno chopper
      Directions  :

       1 .. Chop green onion, long green beans, carrots  diced. Beat eggs with some salt and set aside.

         2.  Heat pan with oil and then add garlic, red onion, saute beef, long  green beans, carrots, into the pan fry dish aside.

       3.  White rice should be placed in the refrigerator over night, with chopsticks add oil evenly to cover rice. 

        4.   Heat pan and add oil then onion  saute, add white rice, fried until golden brown rice loose.

        5.  Stir fry rice then add in all the other cooked ingredients until 
      rice is soft.


       6.  At this point, the need to put a little salt, add the black paper and pour the green onion, stir fry. Enjoy! 


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