Tuesday, October 13, 2015

193 Sardines Lettuce Cup Wraps

Serves : 3   
Prepare time  : 10 min  
Cook time : 7 min 
May  2015  
Tasteecook  recipes  
Sardines lettuce cup wraps 

Ingredients : 
1 cup couscous 
1 teaspoon butter  
1 cup couscous  


1 teaspoon soy sauce  
1/4 cup tomato sauce  
1 teaspoon  chili oil  

1 teaspoon  chicken knorr  
11/4  cup boil water  
1 shredded onion  

2 teaspoons corn starch  
2 chopped shallot  
1 Package fresh Artisan romaine  

1 can of  sardines in tomato 
Salt and black pepper to taste 
2 cloves garlic finely chopped  

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped  

1 teaspoon  olive oil or  vegetable oil  
1 teaspoons sriracha chili 

Salt and black pepper to taste  
2 teaspoon  olive oil or vegetable oil 

Directions :                      
1. 11/4 cups boiling water, Add 1 teaspoon of butter. Then pour 1 cup couscous stir, cover and stand for 5 minutes. After the cooked couscous gently mix loose. Set aside. cook couscous according to package instructions. 

2. Tear apart the Romaine lettuce cups, Rinse with clean water. Add ice water to keep the crispness. Use paper towels to dry the excess water. Set aside on a plate.  

3. 1  Prepare ingredients : Pour a small bowl of tomato sauce, A bowl add 1/2 cup of water, stir with spoon, set side. 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped, 2 small chopped  shallot, 1 onion shredded.    

4. Add a little olive oil in a fry pan over medium heat. stir-fry,  garlic, chopped  shallot, onion shredded, After carefully laying the sardines, Gently stirring, Now you can make the sauce by adding tomato sauce flavor, salt and pepper to taste. Then add water and corn starch to thicken  the sauce.   

5. Put together the lettuce cups : Fresh  romaine lettuce a slice, placed just cooked couscous, added the the sardines and tomato sauce. You can also add a little sriracha chili sauce, try it.  You should love this delicious sardines lettuce cup wraps. 



Feelings after eating  :
These lettuce wrap cups is a refreshing appetizer dish. The flavors in this dish are spicy, sweet and delicious. It is a simple and healthy dish. Lettuce cup wraps are a popular appetizer and can be filled with lots of different ingredients . 


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