Tuesday, June 28, 2016

142 Homemade Ginger Sauce Recipe

Serves : 8
Prepare time : 20 min  
Cook time  :  25 min   
June 2016
Tasteecook  recipes  
Homemade Ginger Sauce Recipe  


1/2 teaspoon salt  
1 bowl of olive oil or salad oil  
2 bowls of fresh peeled ginger whipped into a slurry of mud, can also add onions. 

Directions :      
1. Peel 2 bowls of fresh ginger. In food processor grind the ginger. Squeeze the excess ginger juice and set aside.

2. In a pot, add in  1 bowl of olive oil and add in the ginger. Let the oil cover the ginger completely and turn on the stove to medium. Add in salt and chicken powder.

3. Turn the fire to low, and boil until the ginger aroma is strong. Stir with chopsticks and wait until the it boils completely. Then turn off the stove.


4. Once the ginger paste is completely cooled. Place in a jar and place in the refrigerator for future use.


Feelings after eating  :
Ginger is a very nutritious plant. Ginger can be made in a sauce like this or in a tea or cook with it. It helps with blood circulation and inflammation. This sauce can be used as a dip for meats or stir fry in noodles. You can use it as a spread and toast it on bread. My favorite dish is to simply put it on toast in the morning for breakfast I hope you try this recipe  !

Monday, June 20, 2016

237 Braised Salmon and Tofu In Black Bean Paste

Serves : 5  
Prepare time : 25 min  
Cook time: 40 min 
July 2014  
Tasteecook  recipes  
Braised Salmon and Tofu In Black Bean Paste  

Ingredients : 
1 bowl water 
20 black beans 
3 tablespoons wine 
2 teaspoon garlic powder 
3 tablespoons  olive oil 
1 teaspoon ginger chopped 
1 small piece of rock candy 
1 teaspoon  chicken flavor 
2 tofu cut into thick slices 
2 dry red pepper chopped 
2 shallot finely chopped 
2 teaspoon dark soy sauce 
1 cup water or chicken broth 
1 teaspoons black bean paste  
2 stem green onion cut and half 
2 teaspoons cornstarch add water 
4 peeled garlic finely chopped 
1/2 teaspoon  sugar or palm sugar 
11/2 pounds salmon cut 1 inch thick slice or salmon head

Seasoning : 
2 teaspoons soy sauce 
3 tablespoons wine 
1 teaspoon  chicken flavor 
2 teaspoons black bean 
2 teaspoon dark soy sauce 
1/2 teaspoon  sugar or palm sugar 

Thickener :  
2 teaspoons cornstarch add water

Directions : 
1. Prepare ingredients  : 1 teaspoon ginger chopped, 2 tofu cut into thick slices, 2 dry red pepper chopped, 2 shallot finely chopped, 2 stem green onion cut and half , 4 peeled garlic finely chopped.  



2. Clean and remove scales of Salmon. Pat dry with paper towel to remove excess water. Spread on a little bit of wine, garlic powder and pepper and salt.  Then add in corn starch. Let it marinate to make the fish more delicious.


3. In a pan add in olive oil, pan fry the marinated fish.  Cover with a lid and turn the heat on low. Then cook until golden brown and cook the same on the other side.



4. Cut the tofu and dry it with  paper towel. Add some cornstarch and salt. Then pan fry it.
Clean 20 black bean with hot water,   In a pan add in black bean and 2 tablespoon bean baste stir and set aside.


5. Pan fry garlic, ginger and add in the tofu and salmon. Add in some wine, rock sugar, red chili and soy sauce, salt, 1 cup water, add black bean paste add water mixture. Cover and steam it.


6. Then turn the fire to medium and add the rest of the miso sauce. Let it steam for 3-4 minutes. Add in cornstarch and black bean paste mixture to make the sauce thicker,



Feelings after eating  :
Salmon is a fish I really enjoy eating. You can use it in soup, stir fry or braised. Its healthy and nutritious with lots of protein. This dish taste delicious and after eating this you will want to cook it again. I hope you try this recipe and enjoy it  !